After the dust of divorce has settled, and your life begins to return to a sense of normalcy it’s common for the recently divorced to be struck with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. It may not hit some as hard as others, but if you have been in a long-term relationship, you are bound to…

Social Media During Your Divorce
If you are going through a divorce or preparing to file, the best thing you can do is to limit or stop yourself from posting on social media, especially photographs. This is increasingly important as we are confronted daily with new social platforms and smartphone applications. We live in an age of constant written communication…

Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation - Book Review
In the winter of 2009, Rachel Cusk’s marriage of ten years came to an end. In the months that followed, life as she had known it came apart, ‘like a jigsaw dismantled into a heap of broken-edged pieces’. ‘Aftermath’ chronicles this perilous journey as the author redefines herself as a single woman. Cusk does write…

Life Insurance After Divorce
Life insurance isn’t something you typically think of until you marry or have children. And when you come to the difficult decision to separate, there’s the question of what to do with your policy post-divorce. Here are a few ways to protect yourself. Divorce and life insurance for couples with separate policies If you and…

Scared To Call A Divorce Lawyer? Don't Be
One of the things that lawyers often forget is that they can be intimidating. You may experience a variety of emotions when your marriage ends, such as fear, anger, hurt, anxiety or even depression. You may have to endure constant conflict at home; you may be losing sleep or have deep concerns about how…

What Does Clean Break Divorce Mean
Divorcing couples are becoming increasingly aware that it is in their best interests to obtain a clean break when they split up. This is to prevent any future claims on either party’s wealth or earnings and can be agreed at the time of divorce. What is a clean break and how do I get one?…